Lyrica & Gayle

A Gift to Humanity
Nonverbal autistics or NVAs are high frequency souls bringing their light to earth to support our Ascension process. As lightly incarnated beings, to retain their connection to Source, they exist in a poorly organized physical body and are challenged to live here comfortably and share the fullness of their gifts with humanity in the physical world.

As one of these beings, Lyrica takes on the quest to overturn her soul-choice to lightly incarnate in order to fulfill her purpose in a more powerful and physicalized way. Through creating a life of joy and peace, she rises up to see herself and her life as an inspiration, not only for nonverbal autistics and their families, but also for all new consciousness pioneers.

Her life proves no one is limited, as we are all designed perfectly to fulfill our soul’s purpose here on earth, the reason we are here. Lyrica and her mother, Gayle, offer the gift of Lyrica’s accomplishment back to you, as a demonstration of what becomes possible within a guided Ascension journey. By demonstrating Ascension through all of Lyrica’s personal experiences, they help to de-mystify the Ascension process and make it more relatable and compelling to all.

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Join this mother-daughter duo with 118 years of combined expertise as Human Earth Souls, Autistic Beings,  Seekers of Universal Truth, Uplifters of the Human Experience, and Lovers of the True Essence of All Life.

Join Lyrica, a 44-year-old nonverbal autistic (NVA), and her mother, Gayle, a person with Asperger’s as together they take on the timeless, universal human quest for enlightenment, purpose, and happiness together.

Their success in navigating the journey of transformation demonstrates how to rise above severe limitations into a life of divine creation, joy, and ease. Their passion is to inspire all to believe that they too can create the life that they have always dreamed of and so much more!

Lyrica and Gayle are paradigm-busters, game-changers, stop-at-nothing visionaries, passionate about Humanity’s Awakening, dedicated to the planetary mission of the nonverbal autistics (NVA’s) to support us in our Ascension process.

Together, Lyrica and Gayle advocate for our evolutionary, revolutionary shift into The New Consciousness, into Oneness, and into the science of quantum physics – our greatest hope for creating a world of balance, peace, and harmony.

Join Lyrica & Gayle to experience your own Journey of Transformation through…

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A Nonverbal Autistic’s Journey of Ascension:

Through her embodiment and Ascension as a “realized being,” Lyrica is able to now communicate as a teacher and stand in her power as a leader in humanity’s Ascension process.

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Awetizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence

Through her embodiment and Ascension as a “realized being,” Lyrica is able to now communicate as a teacher and stand in her power as a leader in humanity’s Ascension process.

Online Community

AWEtizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence is co-written by Gayle Barkley Lee and Lyrica Mia Marquez with contributing writers: Leslie Rau, Kellen Hunt and Sara Orah.

Lyrica’s Art

Through her embodiment and Ascension as a “realized being,” Lyrica is able to now communicate as a teacher and stand in her power as a leader in humanity’s Ascension process.


Through her embodiment and Ascension as a “realized being,” Lyrica is able to now communicate as a teacher and stand in her power as a leader in humanity’s Ascension process.


High Lighting: The WOW factor of Embodiment

High Lighting: The WOW factor of Embodiment

“Lyrica, Gayle, & Friends” High Lighting: The WOW factor of Embodiment Share if you care! Click below and go to minute 18:33 to listen to on: Spotify or iTunes

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High Lighting: Tapping Into a Wormhole

High Lighting: Tapping Into a Wormhole

“Lyrica, Gayle, & Friends” High Lighting: Tapping Into a Wormhole Share if you care! Click below and go to minute 4:37 to listen to on: Spotify or iTunes

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