Lyrica & Gayle
Lyrica and Gayle, with Jessica Martinson, speakers at the:
Lemurian Life Expo at Mount Shasta June 20 – 24, 2024

Lyrica & Gayle
Advocates for Autism & Ascension
Lyrica & Gayle’s latest podcast with the producer of their episodes on Interviews with Extra Dimensionals on Gaia TV:
How Lyrica, A High Frequency Being, Experiences Our World

“From the moment of my arrival on earth, I have been on a holy quest to find the real me hiding inside my physical reality ‘as a nonverbal autistic in a poorly organized body.’ I knew I was a high frequency Cosmic Being, yet in my body-suit here, I struggled.”
“When I found my typing voice at age eight, I found a purpose and pathway to begin to decode the mystery of me, and others like me. Our first book, AWEtizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence, beautifully communicates this true essence of me and that of my beloved nonverbal brothers and sisters. I learn that we have chosen to come here as lightly incarnated beings to retain our connection to Source. This patterning supports our mission for being here, to assist humanity in its Ascension process. I see the perfection in this blueprint, a divine design of our soul group’s destiny.”
“In Lyrica’s Journey of Ascension: A Nonverbal Autistic Finds Her Power, Peace, and Purpose, I move beyond the blueprint to become it. To do so, I must fully inhabit my body by unifying my non-physical and physical natures. I locate and call in the perfect mentor to guide my process of embodiment, not a small undertaking! I learn that embodiment is one key step within the larger unfolding of my soul’s path of Ascension to become self-realized in a physical body in this physical dimension.”
“Through many personal experiences, including facing death more than once, a new me is born. United in Oneness, I am now able to stand in my power as a leader for nonverbal autistics, their families, and the new consciousness pioneers…those who know they are here to make a difference and desire to do so. By sharing my journey of Ascension as a sequence of real-life experiences, I help to de-mystify the path of Ascension and make it more comfortable and compelling to all. For this is how the world is going to change…one soul-empowered leader at a time, waking up into his or her own power, peace, and purpose.”
– Lyrica
As Featured On…

Two episodes featuring the story of Lyrica and the nonverbal autistics is on Gaia’s Season 3 of Extra Dimensionals, by Reuben Langdon. These 2 episodes are also currently available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. Click the video below to watch the Free Trailer.

Click HERE to watch Episode 1 on Gaia

Click HERE to watch Episode 2 on Gaia
Join Lyrica & Gayle to experience your own Spiritual Journey of Transformation through…
Lyrica’s Journey of Ascension: A Nonverbal Autistic Finds Her Power, Peace, and Purpose
Marvel as Lyrica tames her own fear-mongering dragons, finds a home in Oneness, discovers humanity’s superpowers, and rises above her disability to create a life of passion, joy, and ease.
El Lagado de Lyrica: Del Autismo A La Maestría Espiritual
Lyrica y su madre, Gayle, nos relatan su proceso de ascensión y comparten sorprendentes revelaciones sobre nuestra verdadera naturaleza multidimensional y los distintos planos de consciencia a los que tenemos acceso.
More Ways to Learn about Autism and Spirituality
Lyrica’s Art
“I transmit my consciousness and love through the energy and form of my art. This is my soul’s most primal language to share me with the world.” – Lyrica
Blog: My Truth About Nonverbal Autism
High Lighting: The WOW factor of Embodiment
“Lyrica, Gayle, & Friends” High Lighting: The WOW factor of Embodiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-HwvUdc0qQ&t=1113s Share if you care! Click below and go to minute 18:33 to listen to on: Spotify or iTunes
High Lighting: Tapping Into a Wormhole
“Lyrica, Gayle, & Friends” High Lighting: Tapping Into a Wormhole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-HwvUdc0qQ&t=277s Share if you care! Click below and go to minute 4:37 to listen to on: Spotify or iTunes
Now Available – High Lighting: A presence to shift consciousness from head to heart
A holy heart hello from our 2023 ocean-blessed home in Jax Beach, Florida! Enjoy our latest soul gifting, thanks to Reuben Langdon, the producer of our 2 episodes on Interviews with E.D. on Gaia TV. “Lyrica, Gayle, & Friends” High Lighting: A presence to shift...